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SQLiteClient is a thin client with a single method called execute

The execute method reacts to the following keyword arguments:

  1. execute_many: True if you want to insert multiple rows with one execute call.

  2. execute_script: True if you want to execute a script with multiple SQL commands.

  3. request_timeout: Time in ms to wait for a response before retrying. Default is 2500 ms

  4. retries: Number of times to retry before abandoning the request. Default is 5

Instantiate a client

The following snippet shows how you can instantiate an SQLiteClient and execute a simple CREATE TABLE query.

from sqlite_rx.client import SQLiteClient

client = SQLiteClient(connect_address="tcp://")

with client:
  query = "CREATE TABLE stocks (date text, trans text, symbol text, qty real, price real)"
  result = client.execute(query)

{'error': None, 
 'items': []}


purchases = [('2006-03-28', 'BUY', 'IBM', 1000, 45.00),
             ('2006-04-05', 'BUY', 'MSFT', 1000, 72.00),
             ('2006-04-06', 'SELL', 'XOM', 500, 53.00),
             ('2006-03-28', 'BUY', 'IBM', 1000, 45.00),
             ('2006-04-05', 'BUY', 'MSFT', 1000, 72.00),
             ('2006-04-06', 'SELL', 'XOM', 500, 53.00),
             ('2006-03-28', 'BUY', 'IBM', 1000, 45.00),
             ('2006-04-05', 'BUY', 'MSFT', 1000, 72.00),
             ('2006-04-06', 'SELL', 'XOM', 500, 53.00),
             ('2006-03-28', 'BUY', 'IBM', 1000, 45.00),
             ('2006-04-05', 'BUY', 'MSFT', 1000, 72.00),
             ('2006-04-06', 'SELL', 'XOM', 500, 53.00),
             ('2006-03-28', 'BUY', 'IBM', 1000, 45.00),
             ('2006-04-05', 'BUY', 'MSFT', 1000, 72.00),
             ('2006-04-06', 'SELL', 'XOM', 500, 53.00),
             ('2006-03-28', 'BUY', 'IBM', 1000, 45.00),
             ('2006-04-05', 'BUY', 'MSFT', 1000, 72.00),
             ('2006-04-06', 'SELL', 'XOM', 500, 53.00),
             ('2006-03-28', 'BUY', 'IBM', 1000, 45.00),
             ('2006-04-05', 'BUY', 'MSFT', 1000, 72.00),
             ('2006-04-06', 'SELL', 'XOM', 500, 53.00),
             ('2006-03-28', 'BUY', 'IBM', 1000, 45.00),
             ('2006-04-05', 'BUY', 'MSFT', 1000, 72.00),
             ('2006-04-06', 'SELL', 'XOM', 500, 53.00),
             ('2006-03-28', 'BUY', 'IBM', 1000, 45.00),
             ('2006-04-05', 'BUY', 'MSFT', 1000, 72.00),
             ('2006-04-06', 'SELL', 'XOM', 500, 53.00)]

result = client.execute("INSERT INTO stocks VALUES (?,?,?,?,?)", 

{'error': None, 
 'items': [], 
 'rowcount': 27}

SELECT with WHERE clause

args = ('IBM',)
result = client.execute("SELECT * FROM stocks WHERE symbol = ?", *args)

{'error': None,
 'items': [['2006-03-28', 'BUY', 'IBM', 1000.0, 45.0],
           ['2006-03-28', 'BUY', 'IBM', 1000.0, 45.0],
           ['2006-03-28', 'BUY', 'IBM', 1000.0, 45.0],
           ['2006-03-28', 'BUY', 'IBM', 1000.0, 45.0],
           ['2006-03-28', 'BUY', 'IBM', 1000.0, 45.0],
           ['2006-03-28', 'BUY', 'IBM', 1000.0, 45.0],
           ['2006-03-28', 'BUY', 'IBM', 1000.0, 45.0],
           ['2006-03-28', 'BUY', 'IBM', 1000.0, 45.0],
           ['2006-03-28', 'BUY', 'IBM', 1000.0, 45.0]],
 'lastrowid': 27}

Execute an SQL script

script = '''CREATE TABLE users(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name TEXT, phone TEXT);
            CREATE TABLE accounts(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, description TEXT);

            INSERT INTO users(name, phone) VALUES ('John', '5557241'), 
             ('Adam', '5547874'), ('Jack', '5484522');'''

result = client.execute(script, execute_script=True)

{'error': None, 
 'items': [], 
 'lastrowid': 27}

Select rows inserted using the above SQL script

result = client.execute("SELECT * FROM users")
{'error': None,
 'items': [[1, 'John', '5557241'],
           [2, 'Adam', '5547874'],
           [3, 'Jack', '5484522']],
 'lastrowid': 3}

DROP a table

In the default authorization setting, a client is not allowed to drop any table.

result = client.execute("DROP TABLE stocks")
{'error': {'message': 'sqlite3.DatabaseError: not authorized',
           'type': 'sqlite3.DatabaseError'},
 'items': []}


In the example below, client executes a SELECT query on table STUDENTS which does not exist.

with client:
  result = client.execute("SELECT * FROM STUDENTS")

{'error': {'message': 'sqlite3.OperationalError: no such table: STUDENTS',
           'type': 'sqlite3.OperationalError'},
 'items': []}

SQLiteClient clean up

When you use zeromq sockets in a programming language like Python, objects get automatically freed for you. However, if you want to explicitly perform clean up and free the I/O resources, there are 2 options. You can either call the cleanup() method or execute queries in the context of the client i.e. with statement.

Call cleanup()

client = SQLiteClient(connect_address="tcp://")
args = ('IBM',)
result = client.execute("SELECT * FROM stocks WHERE symbol = ?", *args)

Use with contextmanager

client = SQLiteClient(connect_address="tcp://")
args = ('IBM',)
with client:
  result = client.execute("SELECT * FROM stocks WHERE symbol = ?", *args)