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Curve Key Generation

CurveZMQ is a protocol for secure messaging across the Internet that closely follows the CurveCP security handshake.curve-keygen is a script that is modeled after ssh-keygen to generate public and private keys.

curve-keygen --help
usage: curve-keygen [-h] [--mode MODE]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help   show this help message and exit
  --mode MODE  `client` or `server`

Implementation idea is borrowed from

Certificate naming

We need 2 certificates one for the server and one for the client. The client must know Server’s public key to make a Curve connection. We follow the naming convention as shown below.

server_key_id = "id_server_{}_curve".format(socket.gethostname())
client_key_id = "id_client_{}_curve".format(socket.gethostname())

Generate Server public and private keys

Run the following command

 curve-keygen --mode=server

Curve Key Generation uses an OpenSSH like directory ~/.curve. You should see the certificates generated at this location.

cd ~/.curve

ls -lrt

-rw-------  1 abhishek  staff  313 Oct 24 15:13 id_server_Abhisheks-MBP_curve.key_secret
-rw-------  1 abhishek  staff  364 Oct 24 15:13 id_server_Abhisheks-MBP_curve.key
drwx------  2 abhishek  staff   68 Oct 24 15:13 authorized_clients

Notice in server mode, the script also creates a directory called authorized_clients This will be used when you want the server to respond to only known clients. You will place authorized clients’ public keys in this directory.

Generate Client’s private and public keys

curve-keygen --mode=client
cd ~/.curve

ls -lrt

-rw-------  1 abhishek  staff  313 Oct 24 15:20 id_client_Abhisheks-MBP_curve.key_secret
-rw-------  1 abhishek  staff  364 Oct 24 15:20 id_client_Abhisheks-MBP_curve.key